
The Dirty 30s? A personal reflection.



So today it’s my birthday, I turn 33. I thought I would write something, as I like to reflect often. This is for me but I thought I may as well share with you, maybe there’s something you resonate with.


3 years ago when I hit the dirty thirty I was staying in Tuscany with my long term partner at the time.   We went to Cinque Terra for the day and lapped up the beautiful warmth and beaches.   There were some massive cliffs at one of the beaches and I ended up climbing and jumping to a small spot below me into the ocean. It’s the highest I have ever jumped from and really signifies how I feel like I have lived since then.


Thirty for many people is where they will spend the rest of their life. For me I have forever wanted to grow in every way and there has been lots of it in the past three years.


Since then, I have been engaged, opened my own gym and created a thriving community, separated from my fiancée, learnt more emotional intelligence, studied a strand of psychotherapy, learnt to have more fun and created a damn awesome life. With my health I have increased my immunity and zest for life through daily habits and practices. I am now stronger in my Olympic lifts than I was three years ago, I am more skilful with juggling and handstands and carry more muscle with the same bodyfat as three years ago. All of this sounds great but of course there has been tough times (as we all go through) too. The thing is – these tough times do not stand out for me because I have been able to see positives in ‘negatives’ quite quickly.


I’m a very firm believer in that everything happens for a reason and we are always where we need to be right now.   I aim to keep living this life with as much presence and zest as I can every day. I know there will be days, months and even years that do not go as one would hope but I am determined to keep turning up each day and giving life my all – whether that is creating a business, holidaying, being in a relationship or trying to increase my health.

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