
Our Why

Back in 2016 my partner and I were talking about the process of change people go through to become healthy. The first calling point is normally the urge to exercise. From here the second point of awareness is often what we are eating. We started drawing it on paper as a spiral. Next in line was thinking and mindset, followed by total lifestyle. What we had on paper reminded us of the Koru, a Maori symbol. Both having parents from New Zealand we looked up what the Koru represented to the Maori people. It is everything we wanted our community to be. Ongoing strength, community and growth. The symbol for the Wild Movement was born to go along with our philosophy. Here is a video about the origins.

The philosophy of The Wild Movement is that nature knows best. Just one hundred years ago we didn’t even know of so many diseases that are so prevalent today because they were so rare.

We lived more in harmony with the sun and nature. The notion that we sit in a cubicle next to people we don’t particularly like all day and then drive home in our box car to eat food out of a box before driving to a sterile brightly lit gym with mirrors to exercise just seems backward.

I grew up barefoot playing outside all my child hood but I fell in love with the power and confidence that strength training gave me. We have brought the outside in to our gym and set up our memberships to encourage community and connection.

The Wild Movement is here to give you that power within yourself, that confidence in your body and that community of like minded, positive individuals around you.

We are here because we actually really care about you and your health. We want you to be a central part to our community, you will never just be a number to us.

We want for you what we want for us. Health, vitality and wild confidence in our bodies to be able to do any thing we want for as long as we live.

We do this through improving holistic habits and exposing ourselves to a variety of physical stimulis including strength, mobility, aerobic work, speed and power. We do this in a setting where coaches can coach and not just supervise.

Our mission is to accelerate the understanding that strength training is for everyone, independent of age or background. This is at the forefront of everything we do.

Our Signature System moves you from pain to Wild Confidence through the three most important principles for your success; Individuality, Education and Accountability.

Without individuality you will be thrown under the same umbrella as the person next to you, which will lead to frustration, poor progress and injury. We build individuality in through our Clarity Session, Physical Success Session, Modifications for Needs and Monthly Reviews.

Without Education there is no empowerment and only rote outcomes which will lead to short term results and relying on others instead of gaining wisdom from your experience. We provide you this education you need through our membership portal, facebook group, workshops and only the highest qualified coaches.

Without accountability consistent results and lifestyle integration is impossible. If you are not where you are wanting to be it is likely you haven’t had the right accountability to keep your health goals at the forefront of your mind. We do this through Session Follow Up, Weekly Body Composition Checks, Monthly Reviews and Quarterly Progress Weeks.

When we tie these three principles together you will gain Wild Confidence within your body.

We are not here to judge or to tell you what to do simply to educate and support you on your journey to betterment.


Our Signature System

See you in The Wild,
