Personal Training
If you are someone that wants results as fast as possible and likes to work one on one with a coach then this is for you.
We recommend anything from 1-4 personal training sessions per week which are 45 minutes in duration.
We can also program you individual sessions to do outside of training 1:1 to keep costs more economical and have flexibility of time and location.
Before starting this process there will be some pre work for Coach and Athlete to do to ensure a strong plan is put into place that can be executed by the Athlete.
These sessions can be complimented with a Individualised Programme for the athlete to do outside of their personal training session.
For those that are serious about changing their body composition we also recommend a Nutrition consult and individualised meal plan to follow.
This is available for all fitness and strength levels. The commonality is that this athlete is hungry for results and ready for change.