
Health Coaching

The fundamentals of health are often put to the side for hard training.  The truth that sleep, nutrition and stress management are the keys to optimising body composition and health is often swept under the carpet.

When we get the foundation of these principles in place then we can train harder and more consistently.  This is what allows us to progress for long periods of time.

Our Health Coaching is done by our Head Coach who has qualifications in Health Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming and Exercise Science.  This is where we are able to go past sets and reps and calories and really get to any root causes so you can flourish and move forward in confidence.

The programme is 12 weeks in length and focuses on improving the above foundations through habit building, accountability and support.  It may include working with our resident Functional Medicine Coach Emrys Goldsworthy for any lab testing required and may include a personalised nutrition plan where appropriate.

The programme is carried out via online means and can be also supported with one of our training options.

Please contact us through our contact form for further information.